Friday, August 21, 2009

Toronto, Tornados and Taiwan

Cape Eluanbi: on a portion of the hiking trail at Kenting National Park in Taiwan.
Overlooking Taiwan's South coast, I have pretty much fallen in love with this place!
It was as if I was in a dream when I saw it.

Yesterday was the storm of the year in Toronto. A tornado touched down in Vaughn, just north west of the city. It went dark, thunder and lightning crashing violently and then a downpour. Thunderstorms are usually fun to watch from the safety of my home. It was just too hard to accurately capture it on camera, however I did manage to get a shot of the sky afterward (refer to facebook photo). Not only was there a full rainbow but the sky was tinted yellow!

As exciting as it was, I bet it wasn't as bad the tornado that hit Southern Taiwan last week. Poor citizens and pigs (apparently many died from the Tornado)! My heart and prayers goes out to Tainan.

Speaking of Taiwan, there's a Taiwanfest in Toronto next week, which sounds really neat and I am so excited to go because I love Taiwan! :)


  1. I met some students from Taiwan at a conference here in Kyoto last month and I would really like to visit Taiwan one day!

  2. It's definitely a neat place to visit for their interesting food among other things! :)
