Monday, May 25, 2009

What I do at home all day

People keep asking me what I do at home now that I am back and unemployed. Still... Sometimes, I don't even know how I pass the time, but time passes rather easily. Actually, you might say time flies!

My Sunday afternoon yesterday consisted of: cutting grass manually to only find out that the electric lawn mower does indeed work almost after the fact in which case I proceeded to repeat the process because the manual one didn't work too well in the first place. *Sigh, never listen to anyone! There goes a free workout and tanning session. Here I am, a few shades darker with a blistered hand, I mean hands. I often forget how much more damaging the sun is here than in Hong Kong. And needless to say, I have already tanned a few during my stay in Hong Kong. It isn't the official beginning to summer yet and I wonder if I will look like another nationality by the end of it.

So far, I am doing ok. No major depression (or jetlag.. anymore) from being away for so long. I think I continue to have a pretty good time in Toronto, mostly because you all make me feel so welcome. :) It's time to get back to real life though, unfortunately.

Oh, and I never finished my story, I also chased a giant bee (of which I lost), attempted to fix a drainage problem (both in my house), had ribs and chicken wings at Montana's and slept for 12 hours! food coma. :p. I think that was the best part, sleeping and of course eating, especially desserts. mmmm.

Speaking of desserts:

Erin and I (and friends) found Cafe Princess! A korean owned coffee shop lined with old fashioned (what I liked to call) 'princess chairs' and floral couches with soft korean love songs playing. And, I couldn't forget about the teddy bears on the window sill. I think we all whipped out the camera and took pictures of the teddies when we spotted them and of course being asian, the stuff we ordered (I think we gave Ryan quite the asian experience right E?).

Pictured above is the Princess Platter. A yummy treat for $14.95. It includes 2 slices of cake (we chose chocolate and strawberry cheesecake), 2 sccops of ice-cream and fruits drizzled with chocolate and strawberry (I think..) sauce. MMMM! Definitely a treat fit for a princess.. or 2.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Home and more blogging

As of 2 nights ago, I am back in Toronto, my home and heart. I am excited to be back because I have you, my friends to come home to. I miss Hong Kong though where my extremely cute and happy family are, cheap eats and convenient life style. But I don't belong there. So, it's really nice to be back where I belong. :).

From exploring the city, to island hopping, eating yummy food, finding cheap and I mean CHEAP bargains to learning about disownage and experiencing death, I feel as if I could've gotten more; more food, more shopping, more travelling. But then again, you can never get enough of Asia.

And to bring me more of Asia is Teren who has returned to his motherland for the first time in five years like me! He will be my eyes in Malaysia for the next few weeks. Visit him here at for his experiences in the far east including Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. BTW thanks for the link buddy! :) I think we're going to collaborate on an exciting project to be revealed when we start working on it. YAY so excited.

Speaking of Singapore, meet Ivy of, a blogging friend of mine from way back in the webdesigning days. Well actually, she still webdesigns and I totally gave up. I got the pleasure of meeting her in person at UofT, a super smart and nice girl. Now residing in Singapore she has been selected to be in a blogger challenge for soy joy, a fruit energy bar made in Japan. I had my first soy joy bar at the HKIA before I left. mmm..chocolate flavour. I also brought back a berry one to Toronto. Whoever wants it speak now before it ends up in my tummy! If you look to the right you will see Ivy in the soy joy banner. Please click it and vote for her!

Even though I am home now, I will continue to put up posts b/c as you know I have fallen about 2 months behind in posts and I have done so much since then. Stay tuned for a ton more places and pictures!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New post

I've been working on this post for wayy too long. New post 2 below.